Working Papers
Working Papers
How Insurer Subsidies Affect Market Equilibria
Selected Work in ProgressÂ
Selected Work in ProgressÂ
Insurer Innovation and Health Care Efficiency: Evidence from Utah with Ben Handel, Jon Kolstad, and Kurt Lavetti
Inequality Amplified: Workplace Stratification and Racial Health Disparities, with Long Hong, Kurt Lavetti, and Trevon Logan
Published Work
Published Work
Is This Time Different? The Slowdown in Health Spending, with Amitabh Chandra and Jonathan Skinner
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol 47, No. 2 (2013)
Large Increases In Spending On Postacute Care In Medicare Point To The Potential For Cost Savings In These Settings with Amitabh Chandra and Maurice Dalton
Health Affairs, Vol 32, No. 5 (2013)